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É possível conectar um canal seu por API no NicoChat!

Esse é um complemento pago, entre em contato com o Suporte para mais informações

\uD83D\uDCD8 Instruções

Configuração inicial

  1. Habilitar o complemento de parceiro com o Suporte do NicoChat, Api Chat.

  2. Configurar o webhook da Api Chat para o workspace através da API do oferecida pelo suporte. A URL do webhook precisa ser verificada.

  3. O bot_url, retornado na resposta da configuração do webhook da Api Chat, será usado para enviar mensagens do usuário do bot.

  4. Verifique o payload de exemplo para diferentes tipos de mensagens.

  5. Quando o bot ou o agente responder, o payload da mensagem será enviado para a URL do webhook da Api Chat fornecida, com uma assinatura incluída no cabeçalho

Você receberá uma Chave API para fazer as requisições de requisições de registo de webhook.

- Get webhook

POST {{baseUrl}}?action=get-apichat-webhook

Request body:

    "workspace": {{workspace_id}},
    "email": "{{workspace_email}}"

Sample response,

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "webhook_url": "https://your-webhook-url/",
        "webhook_verification_key": "VERIFICATION_TOKEN",
        "webhook_status": "verified",
        "bot_url": "{{unique_code_to_bot}}"


- Set webhook

POST {{baseUrl}}?action=set-apichat-webhook

Request body:

    "workspace": {{workspace_id}},
    "email": "{{workspace_email}}",
    "webhook_url": "https://your-webhook-url/",
    "webhook_verification_key": "VERIFICATION_TOKEN"

Nota: Três parâmetros serão enviados para a URL do seu webhook via POST para verificação:

hub_mode: O valor será “subscribe"

hub_verify_token : O valor será o mesmo fornecido no corpo da sua requisição como "webhook_verification_key", o exemplo acima foi VERIFICATION_TOKEN

hub_challenge: O valor será uma string aleatória, por exemplo: 205c40409f9bcdeb9e00614b442c5fdd


Você precisa verificar a chave de verificação e retornar a resposta com o conteúdo do parâmetro hub_challenge no corpo da resposta. Exemplo: 205c40409f9bcdeb9e00614b442c5fdd


Exemplo de resposta (sucesso):

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "webhook_url": "https://your-webhook-url/",
        "webhook_verification_key": "VERIFICATION_TOKEN",
        "webhook_status": "verified",
        "bot_url": "{{unique_code_to_bot}}"



- Remove webhook

POST {{baseUrl}}?action=delete-apichat-webhook

Request body:

    "workspace": {{workspace_id}},
    "email": "{{workspace_email}}"

Exemplo de resposta (sucesso):

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "webhook_url": "",
        "webhook_verification_key": "",
        "webhook_status": "",
        "bot_url": ""


\uD83D\uDCCB API do Workspace para enviar mensagens.

Você precisa usar a chave de API do seu fluxo para autenticação, o que requer a permissão de gerenciar fluxo.

- Send Text Message


Request body:

    "content": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
    "message_type": "incoming",
    "sender": {
        "id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
        "name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "",
        "type": "contact"
    "conversation_id": 123,
    "event": "message_created"


- Send Button Payload


Request body:

    "content": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
    "message_type": "incoming",
    "sender": {
        "id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
        "name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "",
        "type": "contact"
    "conversation_id": 123,
    "event": "message_postback",
    "submitted_values": [
            "title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
            "payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"


- Send Image


Request body:

    "content": "",
    "message_type": "incoming",
    "sender": {
        "id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
        "name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "",
        "type": "contact"
    "conversation_id": 123,
    "event": "message_created",
    "attachments": [
            "file_type": "image",
            "data_url": "{{IMAGE URL}}"


- Send Audio


Request body:

    "content": "",
    "message_type": "incoming",
    "sender": {
        "id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
        "name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "",
        "type": "contact"
    "conversation_id": 123,
    "event": "message_created",
    "attachments": [
            "file_type": "audio",
            "data_url": "{{AUDIO URL}}"



- Send Video


Request body:

    "content": "",
    "message_type": "incoming",
    "sender": {
        "id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
        "name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "",
        "type": "contact"
    "conversation_id": 123,
    "event": "message_created",
    "attachments": [
            "file_type": "video",
            "data_url": "{{VIDEO URL}}"



- Send File


Request body:

    "content": "",
    "message_type": "incoming",
    "sender": {
        "id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
        "name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "",
        "type": "contact"
    "conversation_id": 123,
    "event": "message_created",
    "attachments": [
            "file_type": "file",
            "data_url": "{{FILE URL}}"




\uD83D\uDCCB Webhook payload

Quando o bot ou agente envia uma mensagem, a URL do seu webhook receberá o payload da mensagem. Para cada requisição, você pode verificar os seguintes headers.

X-Hub-Signature-256: this is used to verify the payload
x-flow-ns: this is the flow ns for your bot
x-action: this is the webhook action type, the value is "messages"

Código PHP de exemplo para verificar a assinatura do payload.

$payload = request()->body();
$verification_key = "{{VERIFICATION_TOKEN}}";
$sign = 'sha256='.hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $verification_key);
//you need to check the header signature value is matched
request()->header('X-Hub-Signature-256') == $sign


- Receive Text Message

    "sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
    "conv_id": 123,
    "text": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
    "type": "text",
    "message_type": "outgoing",
    "private": false


- Receive Button Template

    "sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
    "conv_id": 123,
    "text": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
    "type": "text",
    "message_type": "outgoing",
    "private": false,
    "content_type": "button_template",
    "content_attributes": {
        "text": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
        "buttons": [
                "type": "postback",
                "title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
                "payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"
                "type": "postback",
                "title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
                "payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"


- Receive Generic Template (Card/Carousel)

    "sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
    "conv_id": 123,
    "text": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
    "type": "text",
    "message_type": "outgoing",
    "private": false,
    "content_type": "generic_template",
    "content_attributes": {
        "ratio": "horizontal",
        "items": [
                "title": "{{TITLE}}",
                "image_url": "{{IMAGE URL}}",
                "item_url": null,
                "subtitle": "{{SUBTITLE}}",
                "default_action": null,
                "buttons": [
                        "type": "postback",
                        "title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
                        "payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"
                "title": "{{TITLE}}",
                "image_url": "{{IMAGE URL}}",
                "item_url": null,
                "subtitle": "{{SUBTITLE}}",
                "default_action": null,
                "buttons": [
                        "type": "postback",
                        "title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
                        "payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"


- Receive Image Message

    "sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
    "conv_id": 123,
    "url": "{{IMAGE URL}}",
    "type": "image",
    "message_type": "outgoing",
    "private": false


- Receive Audio Message

    "sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
    "conv_id": 123,
    "url": "{{AUDIO URL}}",
    "type": "audio",
    "message_type": "outgoing",
    "private": false


- Receive Video Message

    "sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
    "conv_id": 123,
    "url": "{{VIDEO URL}}",
    "type": "video",
    "message_type": "outgoing",
    "private": false


- Receive File Message

    "sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
    "conv_id": 123,
    "url": "{{FILE URL}}",
    "type": "file",
    "message_type": "outgoing",
    "private": false


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