Shopify ações nativas - Pedidos

Shopify ações nativas - Pedidos

Nesta seção falaremos sobre as ações relacionadas aos “Pedidos”. Suporte NicoChat abaixo das ações relacionadas ao cliente:

  • Obtenha informações da loja

  • Pesquisar código de desconto

  • Criar código de desconto

  • Pesquisar rascunhos de pedidos

  • Crie rascunhos de pedidos para um produto

  • Crie um rascunho de pedido para vários produtos

  • Crie um rascunho de pedido com produtos personalizados

  • Envie uma fatura para o rascunho do pedido

  • Aplicar desconto ao rascunho do pedido

  • Concluir rascunho de pedido

  • Obtenha informações sobre o rascunho do pedido

  • Obtenha informações do pedido

Agora, vamos repassar essas ações uma por uma.


Obtenha informações da loja

Esta ação é usada para exibir informações sobre sua loja shopify.



46e70a13-7f98-4803-a0ad-232edbe84f5d (1).png


Carga útil de resposta

"shop": {
"id": 1763672130,
"email": "matthew@NicoChat.com.br",
"domain": "NicoChat Shopify Demo ",
"province": "Queensland",
"country": "AU",
"address1": "49 payne st",
"zip": "4068",
"city": "indooroopilly",
"phone": "0422213688",
"latitude": -27.4940251,
"longitude": 152.9733169,
"primary_locale": "en",
"address2": "",
"country_code": "AU",
"country_name": "Australia",
"currency": "AUD",
"customer_email": "matthew@NicoChat.com.br",
"timezone": "(GMT-05:00) America/New_York",
"iana_timezone": "America/New_York",
"shop_owner": "CONNECTDOTS DEMO STORE Admin",
"myshopify_domain": "NicoChat Shopify Demo "

Create Draft Order For One Product

This action is used to create a draft order for a customer using their customer id and product variant id.





Response Payload

"draft_order": {
"id": 932211818562,
"note": "",
"email": null,
"taxes_included": false,
"currency": "AUD",
"invoice_sent_at": null,
"created_at": "2023-04-06T23:21:38-04:00",
"updated_at": "2023-04-06T23:21:38-04:00",
"tax_exempt": false,
"completed_at": null,
"name": "#D127",
"status": "open",
"line_items": [
{...} // 20 keys
"shipping_address": null,
"billing_address": null,
"invoice_url": "NicoChat Shopify Demo ",
"applied_discount": null,
"order_id": null,
"shipping_line": null,
"tax_lines": [
"tags": "",
"note_attributes": [
"total_price": "45.90",
"subtotal_price": "45.90",
"total_tax": "0.00",
"payment_terms": null,
"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932211818562"



Create Draft Order For Multiple Products

This action is used for creating a draft order that includes multiple products of customers using their customer ID




Response Payload

"draft_order": {
"id": 932213981250,
"note": "",
"email": null,
"taxes_included": false,
"currency": "AUD",
"invoice_sent_at": null,
"created_at": "2023-04-07T00:18:51-04:00",
"updated_at": "2023-04-07T00:18:51-04:00",
"tax_exempt": false,
"completed_at": null,
"name": "#D128",
"status": "open",
"line_items": [
{...} // 20 keys
"shipping_address": null,
"billing_address": null,
"invoice_url": "NicoChat Shopify Demo ",
"applied_discount": null,
"order_id": null,
"shipping_line": null,
"tax_lines": [
"tags": "",
"note_attributes": [
"total_price": "45.90",
"subtotal_price": "45.90",
"total_tax": "0.00",
"payment_terms": null,
"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932213981250"



Create Draft Order WIth Custom Product

This action is used to create a draft order using a custom product.





Reponse Payload


"draft_order": {
"id": 932221059138,
"note": "",
"email": null,
"taxes_included": false,
"currency": "AUD",
"invoice_sent_at": null,
"created_at": "2023-04-07T04:17:52-04:00",
"updated_at": "2023-04-07T04:17:52-04:00",
"tax_exempt": false,
"completed_at": null,
"name": "#D129",
"status": "open",
"line_items": [
{...} // 20 keys
"shipping_address": null,
"billing_address": null,
"invoice_url": "https://connectdots-demo-store.myshopify.com/1763672130/invoices/dde50cad201cc7a8b29434e65e517f00",
"applied_discount": null,
"order_id": null,
"shipping_line": null,
"tax_lines": [
{...} // 3 keys
"tags": "",
"note_attributes": [
"total_price": "22.00",
"subtotal_price": "20.00",
"total_tax": "2.00",
"payment_terms": null,
"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932221059138"



Send An Invoice Of Draft Order

This action is used to send an invoice of the draft order created to the customer. Please note that the email id used to send the email should be of someone from the staff or someone who has staff privileges.




Response Payload

"draft_order_invoice": {
"to": "hammadsiddiqui788@gmail.com",
"from": "matthew6688@gmail.com",
"subject": "Invoice",
"custom_message": "This is a test message",
"bcc": [



Apply Discount To A Draft Order

This action is used to apply a discount offer or code to an existing draft order.




Response Payload

"draft_order": {
"id": 932221059138,
"note": "",
"email": null,
"taxes_included": false,
"currency": "AUD",
"invoice_sent_at": "2023-04-07T04: 24:24-04:00",
"created_at": "2023-04-07T04:17:52-04:00",
"updated_at": "2023-04-07T04:29:06-04:00",
" tax_exempt": false,
"completed_at": null,
"name": "#D129",
"status": "invoice_sent",
"line_items": [
{...} // 20 chaves
"shipping_address": null,
"billing_address": null,
"invoice_url": " https://connectdots-demo-store.myshopify.com/1763672130/invoices/dde50cad201cc7a8b29434e65e517f00 ",
"applied_discount": {
"description": "Início da liquidação de verão",
"valor ": "20,0",
"title": "Promoção de verão",
"amount": "4,00",
"value_type": "percentage"
"order_id": null,
"shipping_line": null,
"tax_lines": [
{ ...} // 3 chaves
"tags": "",
"note_attributes": [
"total_price": "17,60",
"subtotal_price": "16,00",
"total_tax": "1,60",
"payment_terms ": null,
"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932221059138"



Concluir rascunho de pedido

Esta ação é usada para marcar um pedido preliminar como pago ou não pago.




Carga útil de resposta

"draft_order": {
"id": 932221059138,
"note": "",
"email": null,
"taxes_included": false,
"currency": "AUD",
"invoice_sent_at": "2023-04-07T04:24:24-04:00",
"created_at": "2023-04-07T04:17:52-04:00",
"updated_at": "2023-04-07T04:35:41-04:00",
"tax_exempt": false,
"completed_at": "2023-04-07T04:35:41-04:00",
"name": "#D129",
"status": "completed",
"line_items": [
{...} // 20 keys
"shipping_address": null,
"billing_address": null,
"invoice_url": "https://connectdots-demo-store.myshopify.com/1763672130/invoices/dde50cad201cc7a8b29434e65e517f00",
"applied_discount": {
"description": "Start of summer clearance",
"value": "20.0",
"title": "Summer sale",
"amount": "4.00",
"value_type": "percentage"
"order_id": 4877204291650,
"shipping_line": null,
"tax_lines": [
{...} // 3 keys
"tags": "",
"note_attributes": [
"total_price": "17.60",
"subtotal_price": "16.00",
"total_tax": "1.60",
"payment_terms": null,
"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932221059138"



Delete Draft Order

This action is used to delete the draft order using draft order Id.





Respone Payload





Get Draft Order Info

This action is used to fetch information of a particular draft orde using draft orde ID




Response Payload

"draft_order": {
"id": 932222074946,
"note": "",
"email": null,
"currency": "AUD",
"invoice_sent_at": null,
"created_at": "2023-04-07T04:44:07-04:00",
"updated_at": "2023-04-07T04:44:07-04:00",
"status": "open",
"line_items": [
{...} // 20 keys
"invoice_url": "NicoChat Shopify Demo ",
"subtotal_price": "20.00"



Get Order Info

Esta ação é usada para buscar informações sobre um pedido específico usando o ID do pedido.




Carga útil de resposta

"pedido": {
"id": 4861820502082,
"cancelled_at": nulo,
"closed_at": nulo,
"confirmado": verdadeiro,
"contact_email": " hammadsiddiqui788@gmail.com ",
"created_at": "2023-03 -27T18:03:31-04:00",
"moeda": "AUD",
"email": " hammadsiddiqui788@gmail.com ",
"financial_status": "pendente",
"fulfillment_status": null,
"nome": "#1036",
"number": 36,
"order_number": 1036,
"order_status_url": " Obrigado, teste! - CONNECTDOTS DEMO STORE - Checkout ",
"phone": null,
"processed_at": "2023-03-27T18 :03:30-04:00",
"referência": "019761d686838bd5f9056c44b791e4ac",
"subtotal_price": "24,87",
"tax_lines": [
"total_discounts": "0,00",
"total_line_items_price": "24,87",
" total_price": "44,87",
"updated_at": "2023-03-27T18:03:32-04:00"


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